Welcome to the Parklands Nursery and Infant School eco blog!
Here you can follow the projects we are doing in school as we build on

achieving the Green Flag.

Learning more everyday about how to protect our planet and make it even better.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The Big School Birdwatch

This week we took part in the RSPB's School Birdwatch.

We spent a total of an hour in the nature garden and walking near nursery and here are our results:
2 blackbirds
1 sparrow
3 blue tits
2 robins (including one juvenile)
1 magpie
2 woodpigeons
1 great tit (spotted by Jacob B)
2 crows
60+ seagulls
and my spot of the week this week - 3 Goldfinches - these were spotted by me eating berries at the top of a tree in the nature garden. Goldfinches are very brightly coloured little birds who really love seeds and thistles. They are easy to recognise with their red faces and bright yellow on their wings.

I have submitted our results on the RSPB website and we have been entered into a prize draw to win cool bird things for school so keep your fingers crossed! 

One last thing - lots of people have been telling me lately about the birds they see in their gardens or just out and about. I saw a flock of chaffinches on the way to school and lucky Mrs Padley spotted a whole flock of waxwings in the middle of Long Eaton - waxwings live in Scandinavia but come to England in the winter to feed. They love red berries so keep your eyes peeled and you might be lucky enough to see some too.

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