Welcome to the Parklands Nursery and Infant School eco blog!
Here you can follow the projects we are doing in school as we build on

achieving the Green Flag.

Learning more everyday about how to protect our planet and make it even better.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Hi everyone,

I write with exciting news that Parklands has been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag award. We were assessed in November and found out the same day that we had been successful. The children from the Eco Team did a BRILLIANT job showing our assessor Mrs Webster around the school. Mrs Golding and myself came too. we looked at the Eco notice board with Dylan and Katie, then around unit 2 with Laura and Stephanie to see how we recycle paper and know all about fairtrade. Then we looked around unit 1 with Diya and Yasmin, and finally out into the wildlife garden and nursery garden with Ash and May. Mrs Webster especially enjoyed hearing our eco sung very loudly in the playground at playtime, it put a very big smile on her face.

That was all last month, but fresh news this week!!! THE GREEN FLAG HAS ARRIVED!! Mrs Mellor is working on getting a flag pole so we'll let you know when the big day will be. But in the emantime, a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS  to all the children and staff at Parklands and to everyone on the ECO team, great job everybody.

Have a very Happy and Green (and maybe white) Christmas

Mrs Padley

Monday 12 December 2011

Bird of the Day - Magpie

Another brilliant birdwatching club today with some great spots! My little twitchers today were from Class 4. Our first bird spotted today was a female chaffinch feeding on the ground in the nursery playground - it stayed for ages and the girls did really well at identifying it by looking at the bird's colours and markings. Also spotted today were:

wood pigeons x2
black headed gulls
crow x2

and chosen as bird of the day by the children was....the Magpie (first spotted by Zoe)

Magpies can be spotted quite easily anywhere - they are black and white with a long tail and are very noisy - keep your eyes peeled for one this week. Until next time...

Mrs Longmoor

Monday 5 December 2011

Bird of the Day - Crow

The birds were being very well behaved for us today and we saw lots of birds quite close up. My birders today were from Class 4. They did very well using the little binoculars and we spotted:

blue tit
wood pigeons
black headed gulls
plus a cheeky grey squirrel

but we all agreed that the best bird of the day was a Crow which sat in a tree right in front of us making a very loud cawing noise - you can spot them in the tops of trees around school. Two more crows landed on rooves as we walked back and Macauly managed to get a good close up view through his bins.

The children really enjoyed looking for birds today and birthday girl Polly said it was "Awesome!"
Remember to feed the birds in your garden now the weather is getting colder . Until next time

Mrs Longmoor